mind blowing interview

Interviewer : Tell me about yourself.
Candidate: I ...am Rameshwar Kulkarni. I did my Tele Communication engineering from BabanRao Dhole-Patil Inst it ute of Technology.

Interviewer : BabanRao Dhole-Patil Inst it ute of Technology? I had never heard of this college before!
Candidate : Great! Even I had not heard of it before getting an admission into it ..
What happened is – due to cricket world cup I scored badly! in 12th.I was getting a paid seat in a good college. But my father said (I prefer to call him ‘baap’) – “I can not invest so much of money”.(The baap actually said – “I will never waste so much of money on you”). So I had to join this college. Frankly speaking this name – BabanRao Dhole-Patil, can at the most be related to a Shetakari Mahavidyalaya

Interviewer: ok, ok. It seems you have taken 6 years to complete your engineering.
Candidate : Actually I tried my best to finish it in 4 years. But you know, these cricket matches and football world cup, and tennis tournaments. It is difficult to concentrate. So I flunked in 2nd and 3rd year. So in all I took 4 + 2 = 7 years.

Interviewer: But 4+2 is 6.
Candidate: Oh, is it ? You know I always had KT in maths. But I will try to keep this in mind. 4+2 is 6, good, thanks. These cricket matches really affect exams a lot.. I think they should ban it .

Interviewer : Good to know that you want cricket matches to be banned.
Candidate : No, no… I am talking about Exams!!

Interviewer: Ok, What is your biggest achievement in life?
Candidate : Obviously, completing my Engineering. My mom never thought I would complete it . In fact, when I flunked in 3rd year, she was looking for a job for me in BEST (Bus
corporation in Maharashtra ) through some relative.

Interviewer : Do you have any plans of higher study?
Candidate: he he he.. Are you kidding? Completing ‘lower’ education it self was so much of pain!!

Interviewer : Let’s talk about technical stuff. On which platforms have you worked?
Candidate : Well, I work at SEEPZ, so you can say Andheri is my current platforms. Earlier I was at Vashi center. So Vashi was my platform then. As you can see I have experience of different platforms! (Vashi and Andheri are the places in Mumbai)

Interviewer : And which languages have you used?
Candidate : Marathi, Hindi, English. By the way, I can keep quiet in German, French, Russian and many other languages.

Interviewer: Why VC is better than VB?
Candidate : It is a common sense – C comes after B. So VC is a higher version than VB. I heard very soon they are coming up w it h a new language VD!

Interviewer: Do you know anything about Assembly Language?
Candidate: Well, I have not heard of it . But I guess, this is the language our ministers and MPs use in assembly.

Interviewer : What is your general project experience?
Candidate : My general experience about projects is – most of the times they are in pipeline!

Interviewer: Can you tell me about your current job?
Candidate: Sure, Currently I am working for Bata Info Tech ltd. Since joining BIL, I am on Bench. Before joining BIL, I used to think that Bench was another software like Windows.

Interviewer : Do you have any project management experience?
Candidate: No, but I guess it shouldn’t be difficult. I know Word and Excel. I can talk a lot. I know how to dial for International phone call and use speaker facility. And very important – I know few words like – ‘Showstoppers ‘ , ‘hot fixes’, ‘SEI-CMM’, ‘quality’, ‘version control’, ‘deadlines’ , ‘Customer Satisfaction’ etc. Also I can blame others for my mistakes!

Interviewer: What are your expectations from our company?
Candidate : Not much.
1. I should at least get 40,000 in hand..
2. I would like to work on a live EJB project. But it should not have deadlines. I personally feel that pressure affects natural talent.
3. I believe in flexi-timings.
4. Dress Code is against basic freedom, so I would like to wear t-shirt and jeans.
5. We must have sat-sun off. I will suggest Wednesday off also, so as to avoid breakdown due to overwork.
6. I would like to go abroad 3 times a year on short term preferably 1-2 months) assignments. Personally I prefer US, Australia and Europe. But considering the fact that there are Olympics coming up in China in the current year, I don’t mind going there in that period. As you can see I am modest and don’t have many expectations. So can I assume my selection?

Interviewer : he he he ha ha ha. Thanks for your interest in our
organization. In fact I was never entertained so much before. Welcome to INFOSYS.

The fellow was appointed in a newly created section ‘Stress Management’ in the HRD of Infosys.

So Excellence is not the only thing Needed. Its the Unique Quality of a Person which can let anyone to Success. Work on Your own Field rather then following somebody else's Path

Way to detect whether A MEDICINE dat u have bought from d MARKET is ORIGINAL or DUPLICATE:

An Another IMP. NEWS 4 All:
Way to detect whether A MEDICINE dat u have bought from d MARKET
सभी दोस्तों से विनम्र निवेदन है की इस महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी को ज्यादा से ज्यादा शेयर करें !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

अब सिर्फ एक एसएमएस से पता चल जाएगा कि जो दवा आपने मेडिकल स्टोर से खरीदी है वो असली है या नकली।दरअसल एक फार्मा कंपनी ने अल्‍फा न्‍यूमेरिकल कोर्ट के जरिए नकली दवाओं की बिक्री पर अंकुश लगाने के लिए यह तरीका अपनाया है।दवाई के पीछे नौ अंकों का एक नंबर होगा जिसे (9901099010) पर एसएमएस कर दें, जिसके 10 सैकेंड बाद आपका पता चल जाएगा कि दवा असली है या नकली। दवा असली होने पर उसका बैच नंबर और दवा कंपनी का नाम उपभोक्ता को एसएमएस से मिलेगा। इसका मिलान उपभोक्ता, दवा कंपनी की स्ट्रिप पर छपे बैच नंबर से कर सकेगा। यदि उपभोक्ता खरीदी गई दवा के बैच नंबर, कंपनी और एसएमएस से प्राप्त होने वाले बैच नंबर, कंपनी में फर्क पाता है तो वो इसी मोबाइल नंबर पर दूसरी बार एसएमएस कर सकता है।

Love your job

‘अग्निपुत्री’ टैसी थॉमस:

An Imp. Info 4 All Of Us:
(MUST READ)वह भारत माता की बेटी हैं, ‘अग्निपुत्री’ टैसी थॉमस। जिस अग्नि पांच की सफलता के गर्व से आज देश का सिर ऊंचा है, उस परियोजना का नेतृत्व थॉमस ने ही किया। वह रक्षा अनुसंधान और विकास संगठन (डीआरडीओ) में पिछले बीस वर्ष से हैं। इस वक्त वह प्रोग्राम डायरेक्टर के पद पर आसीन हैं।

चार सौ बेहतरीन वैज्ञानिकों के दल का नेतृत्व
अग्नि पांच देश के लिए महत्वाकांक्षी परियोजना थी। टैसी थॉमस भले ही घर में एक साधारण गृहिणी हों, लेकिन जब देश की बात आती है, तो वह चार सौ बेहतरीन वैज्ञानिकों के दल का नेतृत्व करती हैं। वह मिसाइल प्रोजेक्ट का नेतृत्व करने वाली देश की पहली महिला हैं।

बी.टेक के बाद डीआरडीओ से जुड़ी : केरल के अल्लापुजा की रहने वाली 48 वर्षीया टैसी को राडार और मिसाइस सिस्टम छात्र जीवन से ही लुभाते थे। त्रिचूर इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज से बी.टेक करने के बाद वह डीआरडीओ से जुड़ गईं। यहां उन्हें ‘मिसाइल मैन’ डॉ. एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम समेत कई प्रतिभावान वैज्ञानिकों के साथ काम करने का मौका मिला।

डॉ. कलाम ने अग्नि परियोजना में जोड़ा : डॉ. कलाम ने ही उन्हें अग्नि परियोजना में जोड़ा। बाद में उन्होंने पुणे स्थित डिफेंस इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ एडवांस टेक्नोलॉजी से गाइडेड मिसाइल्स में एम.टैक भी किया। टैसी थॉमस ने न केवल अग्नि के विभिन्न संस्करणों के विकास में अपना जीवन लगाया, बल्कि एक और महत्वपूर्ण मिसाइल तकनीक आरवीएस यानी री-एंट्री ह्वीकल सिस्टम भी तैयार की। यह तकनीक मिसाइल को अत्यधिक विपरीत मौसमी परिस्थितियों और तीन हजार डिग्री सेंटीग्रेड तक के तापमान में भी सकुशल और सक्रिय बनाए रखती है।

खुद तलाशनी पड़ती है राह : टैसी कहती हैं, ‘कोई भी आपको नहीं बताता कि उसने कैसे तकनीक विकसित की। आपको राह खुद तलाशनी पड़ती है। हमने यही किया है।’ वह अपने काम और घर में जबर्दस्त संतुलन साधती हैं। वह बताती हैं कि मेरा दिन सुबह साढ़े चार बजे शुरू होता है, जब बेटा पढ़ने के लिए जागता है, और आधी रात तक के बाद तक चलता है।

K.R. Sidhar,an AMERICAN scientist,WORK IN NASA

How many of u know this person??????
K.R. Sidhar,an AMERICAN scientist,WORK IN NASA!!!! is the face of Bloom Energy, the company that invented the Bloom Box. He led a team of scientists to develop an equipment so that human could live in Mars. It is through that mission that K.R. was able to conceptualize the now known device he calls Bloom Box. The whole concept of the boxes are that they are like tiny power plants set in your own backyard. They are mainly run by any fuel source like natural gas, solar energy and others as they are used minimally to create a reaction with oxygen to convert it into electrical energy. Basically the power of the Bloom Box come from the ceramic plates that are piled on top of each other and they produced very clean electricity for your consumption….
His mission is to "make clean, reliable energy affordable for everyone on earth"..
Let us pray for him to succeed !!!!


1)Researchers have come up with a new device that could breathe new life into your mobile phone by using air from your lungs to charge it.
2)The electronic mask consists tiny wind turbines and the energy created is transferred through a cable to the electronic device
3)Inventor Joco Paulo Lammoglia, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, revealed that the device could be used in all situations from running to sleeping.
4)It can be used indoors or outdoors, while you’re sleeping, walking, running or even reading a book. Besides saving energy and helping environmental preservation, it also encourages physical exercise.
5)Its energy is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week


एक आदमी एक दिन में इतना ऑक्सीजन लेता है जितने में 3 ऑक्सीजन के सिलेंडर भरे जा सकते हैं | एक ऑक्सीजन सिलेंडर की कीमत होती है रु.700 इस तरह हम देखते हैं कि एक आदमी एक दिन में रु.2100 (700X3) की ऑक्सीजन लेता है और 1 साल में रु.766500 कि और अपने पूरे जीवन (अगर आदमी कि उम्र 65 साल हो) में लगभग रु. 5 करोड़ का ऑक्सीजन लेता है जो कि पेड़-पौधों द्वारा हमे फ्री में मिलता है और हम उन्ही पेड़ पौधों को समाप्त कर रहे है | SPREAD THIS MESSAGE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. SAVE TREES! SAVE FUTURE

दुनिया की सबसे उम्रदराज महिला शार्पशूटर चंद्रो तोमर इन्सां !!

if u have "WELL DETERMINATION " TO ACHIEVE something then nothing can stop u..
दुनिया की सबसे उम्रदराज महिला शार्पशूटर चंद्रो तोमर इन्सां !!

उम्र के जिस पड़ाव पर लोग जिंदगी से हार मान लेते हैं, वहां जिंदादिली की अनोखी मिसाल है। यूपी के बागपत जिले में जौहरी गांव की 78 वर्षीय चंद्रो तोमर इन्सां दुनिया की सबसे बुजुर्ग महिला शार्पशूटर होने का दावा करती हैं।

25 से ज्यादा नेशनल चैंपियनशिप की विजेता
6 बच्चों की मां और 15 पोते-पोतियों की दादी चंद्रो तोमर इन्सां 25 से ज्यादा नेशनल चैंपियनशिप जीत चुकी हैं। लगभग 10 साल पहले जब चंद्रो गांव में स्थित फायरिंग रेंज में गई, तो वे काफी शर्मा रहीं थी। इसलिए वे अपनी एक पोती को साथ लेकर गई। चंद्रो बताती हैं कि क्लब के कोच ने जब उन्हें देखा तो वह चौंक गया, लेकिन मेरी पोती ने मुझे सपोर्ट किया। मैं हर सप्ताह क्लब में जाने लगी।

बेटी भी है शूटिंग स्टार
क्लब के अलाव चंद्रो अपने घर पर भी प्रैक्टिस करती थीं। वे बोतलों में पानी भरकर उनपर पत्‍थर से निशाना लगाती थी। उनकी मेहनत रंग लाई और चेन्नई में आयोजित वेटरन शूटिंग चैंपियनशिप में उन्हें गोल्ड मेडल मिला। वैसे तो चंद्रो के काफी प्रशंसक हैं, लेकिन उनकी सबसे बड़ी प्रशंसक उनकी बेटी सीमा है। सीमा भी एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय श‌ूटिंग स्टार है। सीमा ने राइफल एंड पिस्टल वर्ल्ड कप में मेडल जीतने वाली प्रथम महिला का गौरव प्राप्त किया है।

दिल्ली पुलिस के डीआईजी को हराया
सीमा ने बताया कि जब दादी इस उम्र में ये सब कर सकती हैं तो फिर हम क्यों नहीं। अपनी दादी को महिलाओं के लिए मिसाल मानने वाली सीमा के मुताबिक, उन्होंने दिखा दिया कि कुछ भी असंभव नहीं है। चंद्रो एक प्रतियोगिता में दिल्ली पुलिस के डीआईजी को भी हरा चुकी हैं।
in this album we will introduce u wid some ppl.... who have set exceptional examples 2 d society.... n inspiring 1 n all... if they can do then why can't u.... after all God has blessed evry1 with d same capabilities!!!

The World’s First Heartless Man

The World’s First Heartless
Doctors from the Texas
Heart Institute have
successfully replaced a
patient’s heart with a
device that keeps the blood
flowing, thereby allowing
him to live without a
detectable heartbeat or
even a pulse. Here’s how it
The turbine-like device, that
are simple whirling rotors,
developed by the doctors
does not beat like a heart,
rather provides a
‘continuous flow’ like a
garden hose.
Craig Lewis was a 55-year-
old, dying from amyloidosis,
which causes a build-up of
abnormal proteins. The
proteins clog the organs so
much that they stop

Difference between Resume & CV...

The primary differences between a resume and a curriculum vitae (CV) are the length, what is included and what each is used for. A resume is a one or two page summary of your skills, experience and education. While a resume is brief and concise - no more than a page or two, a curriculum vitae is a longer (at least two page) and more detailed synopsis.

A curriculum vitae includes a summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honors, affiliations and other details.


Use only your LEFT EAR when using Mobile Phones, and avoid using the RIGHT EAR , as that makes our brain more prone to mobile radiation. This was found out by a latest research from Apollo Medical Team . Please share this info with your loved ones Use only your LEFT EAR when using Mobile Phones, and avoid using the RIGHT EAR , as that makes our brain more prone to mobile radiation. This was found out by a latest research from Apollo Medical Team . Please share this info with your loved ones

What Ratan Tata did for the Mumbai victims.... what every Indian should know!

Ratan Tata is the chairman of Indian Hotels who own the Taj Mahal Hotel Mumbai, which was the target of the terrorists on 26/11/08.

Hotel President a 5 star property also belongs to Indian Hotels.

The following is really touching.

What Ratan Tata did for the Mumbai victims.... Don't miss!!!!!!


A. The Tata Gesture

1. All category of employees including those who had completed even 1 day as casuals were treated on duty during the time the hotel was closed.

2. Relief and assistance to all those who were injured and killed

3. The relief and assistance was extended to all those who died at the railway station, surroundings including the “Pav- Bha ji” vendor and the pan shop owners.

4. During the time the hotel was closed, the salaries were sent by money order.

5. A psychiatric cell was established in collaboration with Tata Institute of Social Sciences to counsel those who needed such help.

6. The thoughts and anxieties going on people’s mind was constantly tracked and where needed psychological help provided.

7. Employee outreach centers were opened where all help, food, water, sanitation, first aid and counseling was provided. 1600 employees were covered by this facility.

8. Every employee was assigned to one mentor and it was that person’s responsibility to act as a “single window” clearance for any help that the person required.

9. Ratan Tata personally visited the families of all the 80 employees who in some manner – either through injury or getting killed – were affected.

10. The dependents of the employees were flown from outside Mumbai to Mumbai and taken care off in terms of ensuring mental assurance and peace. They were all accommodated in Hotel President for 3 weeks.

11. Ratan Tata himself asked the families and dependents – as to what they wanted him to do.

12. In a record time of 20 days, a new trust was created by the Tatas for the purpose of relief of employees.

13. What is unique is that even the other people, the railway employees, the police staff, the pedestrians who had nothing to do with Tatas were covered by compensation. Each one of them was provided subsistence allowance of Rs. 10K per month for all these people for 6 months.

14. A 4 year old granddaughter of a vendor got 4 bullets in her and only one was removed in the Government hospital. She was taken to Bombay hospital and several lacs were spent by the Tatas on her to fully recover her.

15. New hand carts were provided to several vendors who lost their carts.

16. Tata will take responsibility of life education of 46 children of the victims of the terror.

17. This was the most trying period in the life of the organization. Senior managers including Ratan Tata were visiting funeral to funeral over the 3 days that were most horrible.

18. The settlement for every deceased member ranged from Rs. 36 to 85 lacs [One lakh rupees tranlates to approx 2200 US $ ] in addition to the following benefits:

a. Full last salary for life for the family and dependents;

b. Complete responsibility of education of children and dependents – anywhere in the world.

c. Full Medical facility for the whole family and dependents for rest of their life.

d. All loans and advances were waived off – irrespective of the amount.

e. Counselor for life for each person

B. Epilogue

1. How was such passion created among the employees? How and why did they behave the way they did?

2. The organization is clear that it is not something that someone can take credit for. It is not some training and development that created such behaviour. If someone suggests that – everyone laughs

3. It has to do with the DNA of the organization, with the way Tata culture exists and above all with the situation that prevailed that time. The organization has always been telling that customers and guests are #1 priority

4. The hotel business was started by Jamshedji Tata when he was insulted in one of the British hotels and not allowed to stay there.

5. He created several institutions which later became icons of progress, culture and modernity. IISc is one such institute. He was told by the rulers that time that he can acquire land for IISc to the extent he could fence the same. He could afford fencing only 400 acres.

6. When the HR function hesitatingly made a very rich proposal to Ratan – he said – do you think we are doing enough?

7. The whole approach was that the organization would spend several hundred crore in re-building the property – why not spend equally on the employees who gave their life?


I Salute Mr. Ratan Tata.


शोक-समाचार - 'संयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा ने ली अंतिम सांस (1 photo)
संयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा (जेईई)
(9 अप्रैल 1960 – 8 अप्रैल 2012)

लंबे समय से कपिल चप्पल की मार झेल रही 'संयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा' ने अंततः 8 अप्रेल, सांयकाल 5 बजे दम तोड़ दिया| आप 52 वर्ष के थे|

आप प्रारम्भ से ही बड़े सख्त मिजाज थे| बच्चों के ...देखकर ही आपका पारा चढ जाता और आप उन्हें डराने धमकाने लगते| फलस्वरूप छोटे बालकों में आपका आतंक व्याप्त हो गया| लेकिन बढ़ती उम्र के साथ आपके मिजाज़ में कुछ नरमी आई|

'मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय' के साथ लगभग तीस वर्षों तक आपके मधुर वैवाहिक सम्बन्ध रहे| जिसके फलस्वरूप अपनी युवावस्था में आपके सात पुत्र हुए| सभी ने बड़े होकर अलग-अलग शहरों में अपने पिता का नाम रोशन किया| लेकिन इतने से उनकी सांसारिक इच्छाएँ खत्म नहीं हुई| अपनी ढलती उम्र में भी आपने 'फाईट मार कर' आठ कमजोर-कुपोषित बच्चों को जन्म दिया| ऐसा प्रतीत हुआ मानो वे 'क्वालिटी' की बजाए 'क्वांटिटी' पर ज्यादा ध्यान दे रहें है|

बाद में आपका रुझान कोटा नामक 'कोठे वाली' की तरफ बढ़ने लगा| उनकी पत्नी (मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय) ने कोटा से उनका पीछा छुड़ाने के लिए 2006 में उनका पूरा हुलिया ही परिवर्तित कर दिया| लेकिन कोटा ने उन्हें फिर भी पहचान लिया और तब से उनके सम्बन्ध और भी प्रगाढ़ हो गए| अंततः कोई चारा ना देख उनकी पत्नी ने अपने 'सीरिअल किलर - खूंखार दरिंदे – राजनेता भाई' कपिल चप्पल के साथ मिल कर अपने पतिदेव 'जेईई' के क़त्ल की साजिश रची| अपनी राजनीतिक शक्तियों का प्रयोग करते हुए 'श्री चप्पल' ने 2010 में 'जेईई' पर घातक हमला किया तब से वे जिंदगी और मौत के बीच झूल रहे थे|

लेकिन जेईई के आई.सी.यु. में भर्ती रहने के दौरान ही उनकी पत्नी 'मंत्रालय' ने ISEET नामक अज्ञात शख्स के साथ अपने संबंधों का खुलासा कर दिया| उन्होंने ये भी घोषणा कर दी की 2013 में वे परिणय सूत्र में बंध जाएंगे| मृतक जेईई के १५ बच्चों के साथ अब सौतेला व्यवहार होने की आशंका है|

लेकिन लगता है 'मंत्रालय' की खुशी अधिक दिनों तक नहीं टिकने वाली क्योंकी 'कोटा' नामक उसी 'कोठे-वाली' ने अभी से उसके मंगेतर ISEET पर डोरे डालने शुरू कर दिए है|

शोकाकुल आई.आई.टी बोम्बे, आई.आई.टी दिल्ली, आई.आई.टी कानपुर एवं समस्त आई.आई.टी परिवार|

(इस आलेख का उद्देश्य किसी को ठेस पहुंचाना नहीं है, और अगर आपको ठेस पहुचती है तो इसे मात्र एक संयोग कहा जाएगा ... सायोनारा)
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